
BULVERDE women's ministries

MW Mission Statement:
 The Bulverde Women's Ministry's mission is to love God, rejoice in whom he has made us, minister to women to grow in Christ, and change the world through spreading His love.

BWM Purpose:
 Women's Ministry shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God through Jesus Christ; to develop an active, supportive fellowship; and to support missions as we serve as ambassadors of Christ.

From its beginning, Methodist Women has focused on ministries for women, children and youth.   With three annual fundraisers, Soup and Sandwich Night for Community Cafe, Rummage Sale, and December Bake Sale.  Bulverde MW generously supports over 18 local, national, and international missions.  We meet monthly with the day determined by the event.  We offer a myriad of fellowship, educational, and spiritual growth opportunities as well.  All are welcome!

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

The Women's Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group meets each Tuesday September to May at 9:30 AM, upstairs in the Community Center.  All women are welcome.
 If you have any questions please contact Patti Cutler at prcutler13@gmail.com or 210-744-3448.   The women will gather again beginning September 10th, 2024.  Click below for more information on the study.  

Girl’s Night Out

Bunco is just one of the many fun things the BMC women do on Girls Night Out.
  We have painting parties, game nights, we go out to dinner together, go to plays and the movies too!  
We would love for you to join us at our next get together.  Keep an eye on the BMC Events Page for upcoming dates. 

Stand Tall

Stand Tall is a one day Women’s Gathering every Spring of mind-elevation and spiritual connection guaranteed
to encourage you and refresh your spirits.  Relax, replenish, be encouraged, loved & celebrated the whole day through! 

Circle of Friends Women’s Retreat 

“Circle of Friends” is a women’s one-night retreat that happens each year on the second Saturday and
 Sunday of November. This is a time of spiritual renewal and relaxation while renewing friendships and making new ones.